war-room.chat rules - version 2 1. Be respectful, especially to members of other homeservers. Each of us represents our homeserver to the larger Matrix community. 2. Maintain the privacy of all members of the homeserver. Do not reveal any personal information of yourself or any other member to anyone outside the homeserver. 3. Maintain the secrecy of all communications in the homeserver. Do not share any content or messages exchanged in group chats with anyone outside the homeserver. Do not share any content or messages exchanged in private/direct messages with any other party. 4. Inactive accounts will be manually deactivated after 30 days without interaction online or in real life. Reactivation is available with proof of identity. 5. No new members will be added without a group vote lasting at least 72 hours. At least 75% of active homeserver members must be in favor for the vote to pass. Any member can veto while the vote is ongoing.